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Freezer Buying Guide: Upright Freezer vs Chest Freezer

When choosing a freezer, you have two primary options: upright freezers and chest freezers. Apart from their vertical and horizontal appearances, other significant indicators differentiate the two. This guide is here to navigate you through the pros and cons of upright vs chest freezers, assisting you in making a decision that aligns with your needs. 

Freezer Installation 

When looking for a freezer, consider measuring your kitchen space to ensure a perfect fit. If the space is limited or you're installing it in a finished area like a basement, you might opt for an upright freezer for versatility. Upright freezers may have a reversible door for added flexibility. 

Energy Efficiency 

Chest freezers stand out as a more energy-efficient option when compared to upright freezers due to their tight door seal and their Heavy Duty Compressor. This maintains a consistent temperature, reducing energy consumption and contributing to long-term savings. 


While both chest and upright freezers may differ in their initial costs, the long-term savings become particularly evident with the inclusion of ZeroFrost Technology, eliminating the need for manual defrost and safeguarding against freezer burn. This user-friendly feature simplifies freezer maintenance, ensuring your food stays fresh without any hassle. 

Organization and Storage 

Upright freezers excel in organization with built-in shelves and door storage. Their vertical design allows for quick access and visibility, making it easy for you to find items. It makes upright freezers suitable for those who prioritize well-organized and easily accessible frozen storage. 


Choose a chest freezer for its large capacity and open space, ideal for bulk purchases and unexpected situations. Whereas an upright freezer may be the right choice if organization and quick access are your priorities. Both options offer advantages catering to different needs and preferences, meaning that the choice depends on the individual lifestyle and usage patterns. 

MODENA offers a wide selection of freezers that are made to complete your kitchen or culinary business needs. To learn more, explore our available products at

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Back to Modena Blog
Freezer Buying Guide: Upright Freezer vs Chest Freezer

When choosing a freezer, you have two primary options: upright freezers and chest freezers. Apart from their vertical and horizontal appearances, other significant indicators differentiate the two. This guide is here to navigate you through the pros and cons of upright vs chest freezers, assisting you in making a decision that aligns with your needs. 

Freezer Installation 

When looking for a freezer, consider measuring your kitchen space to ensure a perfect fit. If the space is limited or you're installing it in a finished area like a basement, you might opt for an upright freezer for versatility. Upright freezers may have a reversible door for added flexibility. 

Energy Efficiency 

Chest freezers stand out as a more energy-efficient option when compared to upright freezers due to their tight door seal and their Heavy Duty Compressor. This maintains a consistent temperature, reducing energy consumption and contributing to long-term savings. 


While both chest and upright freezers may differ in their initial costs, the long-term savings become particularly evident with the inclusion of ZeroFrost Technology, eliminating the need for manual defrost and safeguarding against freezer burn. This user-friendly feature simplifies freezer maintenance, ensuring your food stays fresh without any hassle. 

Organization and Storage 

Upright freezers excel in organization with built-in shelves and door storage. Their vertical design allows for quick access and visibility, making it easy for you to find items. It makes upright freezers suitable for those who prioritize well-organized and easily accessible frozen storage. 


Choose a chest freezer for its large capacity and open space, ideal for bulk purchases and unexpected situations. Whereas an upright freezer may be the right choice if organization and quick access are your priorities. Both options offer advantages catering to different needs and preferences, meaning that the choice depends on the individual lifestyle and usage patterns. 

MODENA offers a wide selection of freezers that are made to complete your kitchen or culinary business needs. To learn more, explore our available products at

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